Podcast Options

  1. Episode Type:
    This is what kind of episode you are publishing. It should usually be Full. Options are:
    1. Full - Normal full length episode. Appears as expected in apps and on website.
    2. Trailer - Teaser episode typically of a short length. Apps don’t usually show them normally. Appears in normal list of podcasts on website.
    3. Bonus - Special releases outside of your normal cycle and will be marked as such by most apps. Appears in normal list of podcasts on website
  2. Author:
    The author of the podcast. List the institution if unsure
  3. Title:
    Title of the podcast
  4. Subtitle:
    Subtitle of the podcast
  5. Description:
    Short description of the podcast. Used to attract users on the app.
  6. Recording:
    The audio file you want to publish. It needs to be an MP3. Other formats will raise exceptions
  7. Explicit:
    Whether the podcast episode contains explicit content or not. Make sure you check the iTunes guidelines to help decide if you need to tick this. If this is unticked and your content contains explicit content then your account may be suspended on Itunes/Google/Whatever.
  8. Page Text:
    Text that accompanies your podcast. Shown on website and in app. Apps do not always display this.
  9. Image:
    Image that you want to use to represent your particular podcast episode. Use a high quality image as wagtail_podcast will deal with the resizing automatically.