
Edit the template files. I do plan on doing template tags in the future for a better experience but this is just how it is for now.

All that you absolutely need is to load the wagtail_podcast/css/mediaelementplayer.css at the top of the page. You will need to load wagtail_podcast/js/jquery.min.js before wagtail_podcast/js/mediaelement-and-player.min.js static files in the wagtail_podcast/podcast_page.html template.

To actually render the media-player add the following:

 <audio class="mejs__player">
    <source src="{{ page.recording.file.url }}" type="audio/mpeg">
    Your browser cannot play this type of file.

There is plenty of customisation available of both how the player looks and functions, see: Media Element Player JS docs

Do note that you can do a decent bit of customisation with the style html attribute.